Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mahalo Houston!

We gotta admit, we love Houston.  It's been quite a few years since we were last here, and so it was a homecoming of sorts.  We felt so appreciated and well received, and saw a lot of old friends.  Special thank you's go out to:

Stephanie Mahelona (thanks for the rice!)
Josie Travlos
Vave Partch
Aunty Harry
Luana Sayers
Dana, Mike, and the staff of the Bayou Theater

We are already talking about coming back to Texas next year!

After the show, a few of us went walking around outside.  It was wild kingdom over there!  We saw an armadillo, a deer, a few raccoons, a cat, and a possum.  We were walking over to the raccoon to get a closer look at it, when we realized that even though the thing looked cute, it actually bites, eats trash, and might have rabies!  And it runs pretty fast.  So...we were out of there...quick!  The theater workers were cracking up at us.  Hey, we've seen people marvel at the plumeria trees in Hawaii so no laugh!

Tomorrow, we get up early and head for New Orleans.  One of our good friends, Mark Schenk, will be hosting us there.  Our concert is at his restaurant, Lakeview Harbor.  We are looking forward to seeing him again, and this will be the first time to New Orleans for a lot of us, so we are excited!

G'nite y'all!

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